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Queen Beatrix practices the conscious not-knowingJanuary 1, 1997In: NRC Handelsblad. 7-1-1997 Author(s):
De uitdaging van niet-zijn: visies op de dood in de humanistische traditieJanuary 1, 1997in: Umanesimi a confronto : contributi comparativi italo-giapponesi (Proceedings of the III Siena-Kyoto Symposium). Marchiano, G. (ed.). Siena, Edizioni Cadmo, 1997. pp. 61-76. Author(s):
We are all believersJanuary 1, 1997in: Humanismus Heute: Zeitschrift for Kultur und Weltanschauung 1 (1997) afl. 1 (Sept.), pp. 16-21. ISSN: 1433 514x Author(s):
Body and mind: a unity full of tensionsJanuary 1, 1997in: Filosofie voor een breed publiek. Hfst. 5;2, (jan. t/m mrt), Leeuwarden, Humanistisch Verbond Leeuwarden, 1997. pp. 4-10.
Noam Chomsky and Michel Foucault. On human natureJanuary 1, 1997Chicago, Critical Inquiry Press, 1997
The provocation of non-beingJanuary 1, 1997in: Humanisms facing each other : proceedings of the Kyoto Siena Symposium III. Siena, 1997
Human nature: justice versus powerJanuary 1, 1997in: Foucault and his interlocutors. Davidson, A. I. (red.). pp. 107-145. Chicago, London, University of Chicago Press, 1997