IHEU: Debate on Humanism, Spirituality and EsotericismJanuary 1, 1993European Humanist Congress, Berlin, July 29, 1993. Author(s):
It is life itself that is surprised: lecture on the opening of Plein AirJanuary 1, 1993in: Lier en Boog : tijdschrift voor esthetica en cultuurfilosofie 9 (1993) afl. mei, pp. 7-12. Barnett Newman Special. Author(s):
Some historical and philosophical reflections on humanismJanuary 1, 1993in: Ianus bifrons : revue universitaire de l’adolescence (1993) afl. 1-2, pp. 137-141. ISSN: 0249 6372. Edition entitled ‘La la”icité’.