What I find so special is that you succeed in interweaving your vision of life,
your concern for the world, your hopes and expectations in such a way that it reads like a biography and ‘mission statement’ in one.Peter van Kraaij, dramaturgy, International Theatre Amsterdam. October 26, 2020

Koninklijke Bibliotheek Den Haag verkreeg toestemming www.fonselders.eu toe te voegen aan zijn web-archief voor generaties … 2222 ?!
Royal Library the Hague obtained consent to add www.fonselders.eu to its web-archive for generations … 2222 ?!
~ Fons Elders, lente/spring 2020
Challenge & Response
The site is the outcome of a sustained effort by Jolanda Bource, Linda Pijnacker, Roeland Troost, Gaia Elders, Antoinette Hijstek, Stuart Jones, Colette van Landuyt, Floris Tilanus, Alma Waterman, Michael Snijder, Sammi Landweer and above all Abram Scheulderman / Inspyr Media. He is the author of the actual design and its ICT. I am grateful to all of them.
Inspyr Media and its ICT are weaving the pattern of my world view.
Enjoy your visit.
~ Fons Elders